Content #1 / 2002
Liashenko V. The gas chromatography method of the determination of alkylthioles С1-С4 in atmospheric air
Chernichenko I., Litvichenko O., Sovertkova L. To the problem of monitoring carcinogenic nitrosamines into food products
Podrushnjak F., Pestova A., Gorceva L., Dregval G., Shootova N. The new methodological approaches of the sanitary-chemical of research for biopolimer packing for cooked meats
Boltina I., Kravchyk A., Demchenko V., Zajec H., Rozumenko V., Gridina N. To the question of Gas chromatography using in genetics-toxicology researches
Kucher M., Halkevych I. Main directions and pathways of a metabolism of xenobiotics in the human organism
Rozhnov M., Melnik D. The certification of physical-chemical quantity metering realization methods
International Symposium "Methods of Chemical Analysis"