1. The journal publishes articles in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
2. The articles should contain the following elements: the general problem and its relationship with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of various kinds of research and publications which tend to start the solution of the problem and which author refers to, establishment of the unsolved elements of the problem; formulation of the article aims; presentation of the main material of the research with obtained results reasoning; summaries and further research perspectives.
3. Materials published in the journal are subject to review, which is carried out by members of the editorial board of the journal or specialists in the relevant field. The review is conducted confidentially, but the reviewer, if desired, can reveal his name. In case of negative review, the article may be rejected or returned to the author for revision. The editorial board has the right to refuse publication of articles containing already published data, as well as materials that do not correspond to the profile of the journal. The editorial board of the journal reserves the right to edit manuscripts without violating copyright content. The rejected manuscripts are not returned.
4. Together with two copies of the paper version of the article, an electronic version (on CD-ROM) prepared in the Microsoft Office Word 2003 (2007) editor is submitted to the editorial office, and additional drawings in *.tiff, *.jpg and *.eps format, regardless of In which graphical editor they were executed. The manuscript must be signed by the authors.
5. In titles to place: UDC, author’s surnames, initials and manuscript name in original language and English.
6. The paper should be submitted with a summary of 1200 – 1800 characters, which should reflect the purpose of the research, the main content of the article, the specific results of the research and contain key words (5-7). The summary is submitted in Ukrainian, Russian and English; it is necessary to avoid the use of abbreviations and curtailments.
7. The text is typed in Times New Roman, 12 points, after one interval. Page format A-4, margins: all – 2 cm, paragraph – indent by 1.25 cm.
8. Figures and signatures to figures and tables are placed in the text of the article. Do not duplicate the same data in tables, graphs and text of the article. Graphs with the same coordinates are desirable to do on the same scale. Formulas should be typed in the Equation or MathType formula editor. The numbers of the formulas should be indicated in brackets on the right. All initial abbreviations, abbreviations and symbols should be explained. Abbreviations and curtailments should be submitted in the language of the article, avoiding the use of abbreviations and curtailments in the title of the articles.The physical values should be given in IS units.
9. The publications list should be given in the same order, as references, it consists of two parts: REFERENCES in original and REFERENCES in English language.
REFERENCES in original is made in accordance with the valid regulatory documents, for example:
– Кельїна С.Ю., Цимбал Д.О., Дєдков Ю.М. Нові методи визначення хімічного споживання кисню. Методы и объекты химического анализа. 2017, 12(1), 17-23. doi:
– Quilliam M. A., Sim P. G. Determination of polycyclic aromatic compounds by HPLC with simultaneous mass spectrometry and ultraviolet diode array detection. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 1988. Vol. 26, N 4. P. 160-167.
– Norris F. A. Behaviour of fipronil in Soil Europe and USA. Abstr. IX Intern. Congress Pest. Chem. JUPAC, London, 1998. London, 1998. 7 p.
– Guidelines on method validation to be performed in support of analytical methods for agrochemical formulations. CIPAC 3807. URL: /Method-Validation-CIPAC
REFERENCES in English is the list of references translated to English (or transliterated in Latin), and made in compliance with the international style of publishing scientific publications of American Psychological Association (APA) style. The titles of periodicals (journals) are given in accordance with the official spelling of the Latin alphabet by the registration number ISSN. To the source it is necessary to add the designation of the original language ([in Ukr.]) and the digital identifier DOI (if available).
For example:
– Kelina S.Yu., Tsymbal D.O., Dedkov Yu.M. New Methods for the Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand. Metody i ob’ekty khimicheskogo analiza. 2017, 12(1), 17-23. [in Ukr.]. doi:
– Quilliam M. A., Sim P. G. Determination of polycyclic aromatic compounds by HPLC with simultaneous mass spectrometry and ultraviolet diode array detection. J. Chromatogr. Sci. 1988. Vol. 26, N 4. P. 160-167.
– Norris F. A. Behaviour of fipronil in Soil Europe and USA. Abstr. IX Intern. Congress Pest. Chem. JUPAC, London, 1998. London, 1998. 7 p.
– Guidelines on method validation to be performed in support of analytical methods for agrochemical formulations. CIPAC 3807. URL: /Method-Validation-CIPAC
10. The personal details of authors (full name, name and address of the institution where the work is done, telephone number and e-mail), supporting documents.
11. Send materials for publications and subscribe for a magazine from first issue to address: Palladin Ave., 34a, Kyiv, 03142, Ukraine, or 03143, abonent box 30, Kyiv-143, 03143 Ukraine, Magazine editorial office. Tel.: (044) 360-28-50, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.