
Yegorova A.V., Loskutova Yu.O., Voitiuk O.D., Maltsev G.V., Malinka E.V., Scrypynets Yu.V. Determination of curcumin in bouillon cubes by high-performance thin-layer chromatography

UDC 543.544:615.07
DOI: 10.15407/zht2020.66.004


Yegorova A.V., Loskutova Yu.O., Voitiuk O.D., Maltsev G.V., Malinka E.V., Scrypynets Yu.V.

Determination of curcumin in bouillon cubes by high-performance thin-layer chromatography

Currently, high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) is widely used to control product quality in the pharmaceutical and food industries. In the manufacture of food products, the most important requirement is the control of the content of various additives (preservatives, dyes, antioxidants).
For the first time, a method for determining curcumin by high-performance thin-layer chromatography in bouillon cubes "Gallina Blanca" was proposed. Detection was carried out by densitometric scanning using CAMAG equipment when measuring absorbance at a wavelength 265 nm. The method is based on determining the peak area of curcumin in the chromatogram depending on its concentration. Curcumin content is determined by the calibration curve.
The developed method was validated by the following tests: specificity, linearity, accuracy and detection limit. The calibration curve is linear in the range of curcumin concentrations from 120 to 520 ng/spot, the detection limit is 65 ng/spot.
The specificity of the method is based on the ability to unambiguously evaluate the analyte in the presence of other components and is confirmed by using an external standard. The spots on the chromatograms of the test solution and the reference solution coincide in the value of Rf, which confirms the specificity of the method.
Accuracy was evaluated according to the results of the analysis of various samples. The requirement for statistical insignificance of systematic error is fulfilled. The proposed method is express, characterized by satisfactory metrological characteristics, ease of implementation.
Key words: high-performance thin-layer chromatography, curcumin, validation.


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